What’s Gu’ing on?

17 Aug

Gu’s Bistro! That’s what’s goin’ on.

My co-worker and I love exploring Buford Highway and are often rewarded with great gems such as Gu’s. While I must admit that I don’t think I’ve actually had authentic Szechuan food before trying Gu’s Bistro, I am proud to check that off my list and hope to make a trip back with my friends who are always looking for a little more heat in their food.

As is expected of most great hole in the walls, Gu’s isn’t a place that’s easily spotted from the road. In fact, it’s located in a strip mall just behind the Chick-fil-A. But don’t let the exterior deceive you.


We started off with Chengdu Style Cold Noodles that had just the right amount of heat and really prepped our appetite for the following dishes.


Listed as one of the popular picks, the stuffed tofu quickly became my favorite dish (and gave my mouth a break from the spice). The tofu is stuffed with shrimp and mushrooms, fried, then served along with bok choy, bamboo shoots and more mushrooms. While I admit that I am not the biggest tofu fan, I couldn’t help but have a change of heart for tofu dishes after the first bite.The soft and firm tofu is pairs well with its stuffing and encased in the fried tofu.


We also tried the Chengdu Dumplings served in red chili oil. Although the red chili oil is usually served as a condiment at most other places or sometimes only available upon request, these dumplings were served in a bowl of the hot liquid. >__< But have no fear, this dish can also be served in chicken soup or hot & sour soup for milder options.

Not pictured is the Cumin Lamb that is appropriately labeled with two chili peppers on the menu and cooked just long enough that the meat is soft and not chewy. Highly suggested for the lamb fans. Hope you get a chance to check this place out the next time you’re in the area!

Gu’s Bistro
5750 Buford Hwy NE, Suite A
Doraville, GA 30340

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